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Server-side rendering

You can get rendered components via the registry rest api.


"href": "",
"version": "1.0.0",
"requestVersion": "",
"html": "<oc-component href=\"\" data-hash=\"cad2a9671257d5033d2abfd739b1660993021d02\" id=\"2890594349\" data-rendered=\"true\" data-version=\"1.0.13\">Hello John doe!</oc-component>",
"type": "oc-component",
"renderMode": "rendered"

Nevertheless, for improving caching and response size, when using the node.js client or any language capable of executing server-side javascript the request will look more like:

 curl -H Accept:application/vnd.oc.unrendered+json

"href": "",
"version": "1.0.0",
"requestVersion": "~1.0.0",
"data": {
"name": "John doe"
"template": {
"src": "",
"type": "oc-template-handlebars",
"key": "cad2a9671257d5033d2abfd739b1660993021d02"
"type": "oc-component",
"renderMode": "unrendered"

In this case you get the compiled view + the data, and you can do the rendering, eventually, interpolating the view-model data and rendering the compiled view with it.

When retrieving multiple components, a batch POST endpoint allows to make a single request to the API.